Saturday, 31 December 2011

Photo-Timelapse - blogging

Dark days in December

Dark days in December from chevy thompson on Vimeo.

December nights video from around Derby and London.

Including Photo & Video Timelapses'

Filmed and Edited by - Chevy Thompson

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

London | England - July Summer 2011

London | England from chevy thompson on Vimeo.

---Filmed in 480p cropped to widescreen---

Offcuts of the London skate trip we did in 2011 July -

I'm so not happy with this video it looks disgusting, but better here than on my Harddrive.

--To be honest it looks pretty horrible because it was the last day and we had to catch a bus in about 9 hours, we wanted to go out one last time at night before we went home and i just wondered of around London on my own..--

Monday, 12 December 2011

Philip Bloom - Blog - Check it out !

Miscellaneous Films Promotion

Miscellaneous Films - Promotional video from chevy thompson on Vimeo.

A promotional video for our production company Miscellaneous Films

-------Contact us for services information----

Email ---

Facebook ---

Blog ---

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Western Digital | SSD | Advert for college

Made by me using Adobe's Photoshop and After Effects.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Friday, 12 August 2011

New production company Blog up and running!